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Mateo's Progress / Jornadas de Mateo by Alejandro Lorenzo: II. Lighthouse Keeper / El Farolero

 That evening seemed to be the longest he had ever spent. A youngster was coming to relieve him of his job. He knew the time had come for him to retire. His hands were swollen from moving the lighthouse lamp so many times. His hair had gone white from worrying about storms, and his eyes could no longer discern faraway signs of danger.
 Aquella tarde fue la mas larga de toda su vida. Un joven venia a sustituirlo. El sabia que era hora de retirarse. Ya sus manos estaban hinchadas de tanto mover el farol. Habia encanecido por las tensiones que provocan las tormentas y su vista no distinguia cualquiera de las lejanas senales de peligro.
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